Thursday, January 29, 2009


I went to U-Swirl last night for some dessert.  It is self serve frozen yogurt and then the weigh it!  I like it because you can mix as many flavors as you want and add your own amount of toppings.  I hate when regular froyo places only give you a small amount of toppings.  They have 16 flavors and all kinds of toppings to choose from.  Pretty much anything you can imagine.  Last night I mixed snickerdoodle, peanut butter and oreo.  I topped it with caramel, cookie dough, marshmellow sauce, peanut butter and butterfinger pieces.  I ended up squirting the peanut butter all over myself (I think it was stuck and came out of the side).  It was a total mess, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT.  AND WORTH EVERY CALORIE.  Frozen yogurt has a lot of sugar, so please don't be fooled that this is a healthy treat. But if you top it with fruit like my other frozen yogurt buddies, it can be a lot healthier than the way I eat it.  haha.

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